Quick update before laptop battery dies.
Has been raining solidly for several days now, very cold at night (0 degrees). Tonight it even rained pasta sauce after Doug had an accident cooking at the campsite whilst cooking a communal meal. Jon started to cry but hid it well.
Martin has been impressing us all with his reinvention of traditional english dishes, namely the full monty (all day breakfast in a tin), supernoodles, pepperami, and pot noodle. Martin has also pioneered a new way of keeping warm in his tent at night by choosing to use his dry suit as a pair of pyjamas. This has drawn some odd looks but apparently works better than wearing everything you brought on holiday with you.
Rodders appears to have gone a funny green colour following too many cans of relentless energy drink, and has gone to bed with a mysterious illness. Tom Offer's tent appears to be the size of a small aircraft hanger, we have decided to rig this and pitch the rest of our tents inside. Jon appears to have the smallest tent known to man, even a hobbit would be at risk of aclostrophobia.
The wind has been fickle so far but our spirits are reasonably high and we are hoping for more wind in the coming days.
Emma's Flapjacks have raised the spirits slightly this evening, fingers crossed the weather doesnt get any worse over the next few days.
Over and out.