Arrived in Dubai yesterday for the start of week working and sailing when I can fit it in. The club is fantastic - everyone is really friendly and its a very chilled atmosphere - should be a great championships. The UK is so cold at the moment, apparently due a reversal in the North Atlantic oscillation (whatever that is). Apparently this is why Toronto is so warm at the moment and the UK is the coldest in 25 years......whatever the reason I'm just looking forward to some sailing without constantly numb hands and feet.
Yesterday the wind and shipping didnt quite play ball. The Dubai moths went out for a play in some marginal conditions, JP and Arnaud were busy knitting and so could only launch when the wind had totally died to a drifter. My boat has arrived today so hopefully I should be able to get it assembled in time for a sail this afternoon / early evening if the breeze stays.
Today is perfect - steady force 3-4 with a small chop and of course lots of sunshine.....
The rigging / launching area.

The view from my hotel room suggested Bora had been out here for some time.

Puma moth with worlds tallest building in background.

JP indulging in his second favourite past time - sanding.

Arnaud indulging in his second favourite past time - knitting.
I hope you packed the wife beaters!
Its the only thing I packed!
Nice post -- More pics please and some secrets from the Swiss. See you Saturday.
Mike L.
P.S Weather here is getting worse.
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