Tuesday, 22 June 2010


so the BR is packed up and off on its way over to new owner Nico in Valencia... Time to get working on the new one then! Exhibition opens thursday then work commences on building / sourcing parts for the new boat (ninja with a few tweaks, and a mean paintjob...!) anyone who fancies dropping by to check out the exhibition if they are in london are more than welcome - open this thursday through untill the 4th july , at the Royal College of art, (next to Albert hall).

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

QM Update

Well its been a while since we posted an update so I thought I’d put something up on the site. I would blame it on other members of the QM fleet being lazy with the blog, but then realised I hadn’t actually granted them access to post anything. Oops.

The fleet has been gradually growing over the last year or so. We are now up to 13 mothies at the club consisting of 2 x Mach2s, 3 x Mistresses (with various types of plastic surgery), 3 x Aardvarks (with various snouts), 3 x Bladeriders and a Prowler. Andrew Friend has sold his Bladerider and is gradually accumulating parts for his FrankenNinja creation whilst Jon Peates has also upgraded to a Mach 2.

Perhaps a top UK club trophy at the Nationals is in order? Best results combined of top 5 boats maybe? We must have at least 4 or 5 UK clubs that would qualify for that?!

The last couple of weekends have been pretty good for sailing. Last weekend myself and Doug joined in with club racing for a change which was good fun. I think both of us were referred to as Jesus at least a few times as we buzzed through the packs of Lasers on the downwind legs. We also swapped boats which was interesting. Its surprising how different the Ninja felt to the Mach2, the Mach 2 seemed to jump out of the water when it was ready to foil whereas the Ninja was much steadier to rise onto the foils but did seem to get there in less breeze than the M2. Doug’s Hyde main also felt quite powerful so definitely a few avenues to explore when we get the time to swap rigs.

This weekend myself, Mike and Chris opted for a windy Saturday afternoon sail. Chris was looking impressive - flying high and very fast in his Bladerider after spending time over the winter tuning it up. I was struggling to tack as unfortunately my kicker was optimised for Dubai windy – about 13 knots. On the Sunday I decided to head back to Devon for some sneaky practice in Torbay. The conditions were absolutely perfect, and I was having a great time until a pitchpoll resulted in me tearing a catflap sized hole in one of the trampolines. Speaking of which does anyone know of a decent trampoline maker in the UK that could replicate a Mach 2 tramp but with tougher Queen Mary proof material? Unfortunately the reservoir eats trampolines for breakfast….